There must be some kind of natural instinct we gain as children to instantly
know how to play games that I/we played as a child. Like Tag! You're IT, nope you're IT, nope you, you, you. It's a never-ending game of tiresome running fun!
Let's take these games for example I certainly didn't 'teach' my kids how to play they just Play. Imagine yourself as a 6-8 year old child. Here is what comes to my mind...
There are the 'tents made out of blankets'. Easy enough to explain, tents...made out of blankets stretched far across any room in the house. I've seen my kids drape blankets over kitchen chairs lined up in a row; I've seen them drape blankets over the actual kitchen table to make a clubhouse, I've seen the normal draping over the side of the couch and make sure you pull every pillow in the house inside said tent too. It's always fun to put the house back together after that.
Next, we have 'hot lava'. The game of 'don't touch the hot lava (aka the carpet) and throw all the couch cushions to the floor as stepping stones. Now you must jump on the couch cushions to make it back to safe (aka the couch). Careful! Don't fall in the lava!
A spinoff of the 'hot lava' game called 'lava monster'. This takes place when you make an unfortunate fall into the lava, and become the lava monster. Now the monster must try to pull everyone else in.
Then, there's always the 'dirty clothes monster'. Stuff yourself in your hamper or under the pile of dirty clothes. You must rise from the dirty clothes and moan like a zombie. Then walk around with dangling pajamas, towels, and socks on your arms as you Zombie-limp your way to the other unsuspecting victims in the house. True, I'd really like to see this done out of CLEAN clothes, but just think of the mess folding the drawers when you are done. Just let them use dirty clothes.
A nice spin off of this game is 'Leaf Monster' in which you do the same thing with dead leafs attached to your hair as you stumble around outside of the graveyard of leaves you bury yourself in. (Let's not think about how long it will take to get all those leaves out of their hair.)
Also, there is a good old fashioned game of 'hide and seek'. It's always more fun to play at someone else's house because you already found all the good places to hide at your own house. (p.s., No. The dryer is not a good hiding spot) <---be careful not to teach that dangerous spot to your kids no matter how funny it may seem!!
Making snow angels is another hot topic in the snow. I can't say I showed them how to do it; they always just 'did'. The making of snowmen does require some adult help in getting those really heavy middle and head sections on there.
I think last but not least is 'tea party'. My son may admit someday that he even liked to play tea party once in a while when he was around 3 or 4. I never taught him how to line up his stuffed animals, talk to them, and while he fed them pretend plastic food with cups and bowls. It's not just a "girl" thing ya' know. My girls learned how to play too around that age and they still play at age 6.
Lastly, there is nothing like a good game of 'who can scream the loudest!'
Need I say more?
These are my most favorite games I played as a kid, and then I see my children play. I didn't teach them how to play, it must have been their eerie sixth sense. Children gain this natural instinct at birth, I think, how else would they 'know' how to play these games automatically?
What kind of fun games did you play as a kid? No, I'm not talking Nintendo 64, or Atari, I did play those too. I'm talking actual games you played outside or inside. It didn't take much to make-up a game and I'm sure other familes have lots of other fun things they did. Please feel free to share!