Hey there friends! I will go through my life triumphs and defeats, what's on my to-do list, and where my personal life and professional life take me. I've found many beneficial tips and tricks in my everyday life and I am happy to share them with you. I'm not here to stir up debate, nor to embellish political views. I just have a fun time in life and enjoy my friends and family and like to share the wealth of information that I find. Whether it be a coupon, a hint, words of advice, or just a laugh I'll share it here.
I'm a proud mothers of three children, and have been happily married for 13 years. I have an almost 10 year old son; and twin daughters that are 6 years old.
Everyday life cracks me up with little laughter funny phrases by the children, or a challenge with sibling rivalry, plus household fun of mating socks and organizing the pantry. I've got plenty of battles to share. I've got simple tricks to help with dinner, or begin or finish a project from around the house. It is my life, written for you. While I'm a full time mom, and a full time writer, and a very avid bowler I enjoy my time at the keyboard. Of course, sometimes time gets the best of me and that's why dinner is not on the table yet. Sorry Honey, the keyboard ate the meatloaf, that's why dinner is not on the table yet. I find this quote funny, and enlightening and hope you get a kick out of this blog.
Someday soon, I hope I get "found" by an agent. I have a thrilling murder/drama/suspense novel I am attempting to publish. It is my 2nd official book I've written and I have about 5 more that I could be working on at any given time. As I dive into the sea of the unknown I hope that I find a very successful career out of writing. My first novel was self-published and while I have lots of friends and family that support me and have read and purchased it, it's not enough. Of course I'll shameless promote it here: A Castle Inside I want to take the marketing and advertising of promoting my book further. While it takes time to promote I figure I'll begin another novel and find out how fun a blog can be. So that is another reason why I'm starting this blog. It will help me continue with my quest of writing, no matter if it's in my blog, or in a new novel, it helps me get my feelings out and I feel so much better when I know that all my energy is not pent up inside. I will let them explode on the keyboard, and I hope that you get a good laugh, find a useful tidbit, hear about life's battles with children and households, and enjoy our conversations.
So stay tuned everyday for a funny laugh, a kid-friendly approach to my kid's life battles, and a lot of fun along the way...sit back, hold onto the cup of coffee...and lets go!
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