I'm here today to say that I've been there. I've done that. I've had help, and at times I've had no help. I survived, and I can assure you that I have a wealth of advice. Got a question? Do you have twin troubles? Please ask away! Do you want to know what's for dinner? Sorry honey, my keyboard ate my mealoaf, you'll have to find something in the freezer.
Now go ahead and scootch over a chair and put your feet up. It's time to take a load off. Pull your cup of coffee close, and listen. Lean in with your warm mug and let yourself inside any conversation. Many will be happening at once so please feel free to comment, post, reply, or give your thoughts.
Be courteous, polite, and treat others like you would treat your own mother. I respect your advice, so please respect mine.
I'll let you know what dilemmas are on the table, what fun things we have planned, and how I get through my day to day life with small tips, tricks, and demos.
I was once a full time working mother with my 9-5 desk job. I put my son in daycare everyday. I can sympathize the hard choices one must make while trying to juggle a career, a child, a spouse and a house being a WOHM.
While a few years ticked by I made the announcement of my 2nd pregnancy. Then...surprise! At twenty weeks I found out there was more than one bun in the oven! Having the surprise of twins and the cost of three children now in daycare haunted me. That cost alone was more than I was making!
Not knowing what was in store in the future but knowing I was ready for a change I left my full time job. I changed my life from being a WOHM, to a SAHM when the babies were about 18 months old. I carried on a hobby of writing stories while I enjoyed my time with my children. While the money wasn't there, I treasured my choice.
I began babysitting other children trying to make ends meet. It was awesome, tiring, but fantastic being home all day every day with my three children plus a few more. Watching my kids develop into young people, and helping other children learn and grow became overwhelming after a while. I just could not keep up with daily life. I found out that I could not dedicate any time for me and I needed an outlet. I'll admit I had my hands full and learned a lot along the way. I was babysitting up to four more children at any given time but I still got 7 children to nap at the same time, and found a small task that made me extremely happy. Writing!
While the house full of little pitter patter x 7 everyday had grown overwhelming I made another change to becoming a WAHM. I had my babysitting children dwindle down and find another sitter, and I began to work from home. Now, I write full time. I am attempting to further my writing career and decided what better way to write, than to write about my life! I changed my life becoming a work-from-home mom (WFHM).
I continued with my hobby of writing, and developed it into a career. Now I begin the task of writing more books! I'm proud to say that the first novel is published and available for sale: A Castle Inside, can be found on many different online websites including Amazon, Borders, and Barnes & Noble. You can follow along with my professional career at my writing blog: Write This Pati Bartlett.
Now that my son is almost 10 and the twins are 6, I've changed up my daily routine to working from home by writing novels, and blogs and watching my three children grow everyday.
Thanks for stopping by, please feel free to pull up a chair at any time and invite your circle of friends aboard and follow my life.