Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Challenging myself in 'The Hood.

Through the last few years I've hosted this weight loss challenge, and had lots of luck getting about a dozen people involved and signing myself up for a 60-90 day diet at the beginning of each year and you know what?   I'm sick and tired of it.  I'm sick and tired of doing it every fricken year! I need to buckle up buttercup and just get a handle on making myself healthy.  No more crash diets, and I worked out for 2 weeks straight now I'm going to be a couch potato for 3 months.  Every year I try try again with losing those 20 whatever pounds only to gain it back again as soon as it ends. Thats it!!! It will happen no more!  I drew the line see  --->


 I will (as I cross my heart) carry a better lifestyle!   I will give myself the standard 30-60 minutes of yoga and/or exercise a day no matter what.  This is my body and my life and I want to see a change.   I care about what I put in my body and that my favorite drink at Starbucks is a Toffee Mocha an it has an outstanding 450 calories in it and that's just for the Grande size not the Venti size!  Egads!  I will be cautious of how much I consume, and just be more wise about my choices.  I'm not going all South Beach on you, but I am making an honest effort, and by putting it on my blog, what better way for you to check on me!I will make myself a better person because I found some great friends so far in 'The Hood with the Sisterhood of the Shrinking JeansSisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans
  I figured out how to Tworkout:

and if you are curious....and you know you are...click on the Sisterhood Website to find out how to Workout and Tweet at the same time.   The hood is filled with fabulous people that are just like me and are in it to shrink their jeans.   So I just wanted to share the news, spread the word, and start logging my triumphs because starting today, I will make a difference, I will see a difference, and I will shrink my jeans!   Goodbye my BMI of today.... I'll post often and let you know how I'm doing!

Monday, November 22, 2010


With money misfortunes and career challenges life has it's ups and downs. I would definately call dibs on one of those "easy" buttons.

Back off...this one is mine!   Hey... mine's not working.... life's not "EASY" yet!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dear Santa...

Here is the current 'Letter to Santa' from the girls for Christmas...

The funny thing is...I can almost make out everything on the list. Tell me if you can make these things out?

Now remember these were written from a 6 year old's perspective just learning how to spell...

From Autumn:
#1 apatsnackwetisinabox
#2 fetharod
#3 asbox360
#4 iwotaspekr
#5 notv
#6 arobotcar
#7 iwatatothowt
#8 aflathlit
#9 altlfarmos
#10 apol
#11 dsi
#12 zoozoopeswethamohak
#13 abik
#14 oliwotforcesmsisaubreytofoteth
#15 olokejeepwotislotl
#16 a dog
#17 a hapstr
Love Autumn

From Aubrey:
#1 Oliwotforcesmsismytofoteeth
(continuation from #1:) sreiredelostmyfoteth ha ha
#2 I wot a Brbe
#3 I wot a scodr
#4 I love zoo zo
#5 I wot cande
#6 I LOVE DSI (now add cute little hearts and a big drawing of a DSI).

I love Santa not you.
Signed, Aubrey

I have not received Aaron's wish list as of yet, but I had to laugh my way through reading the girls'.

Tomorrow I will go ahead and post the answers... can you guess any of them?

Monday, November 1, 2010

I think YOU'RE Amazing! :)

If you are feeling down, don't. I think you're amazing. Cheer up and listen.

Just The Way You Are lyrics