Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I lost my poor marshmallow...

So I've been cracking up about this all day. I could probably think of about 100 different reasons why it was there. Just laying there on the sidewalk behind a vacant building in the middle of the parking lot. The kids laughed as we got close, I too joined in their frivolous giggle when we realized what it was.

We walked up to the theatre today. There happens to be a movie theatre within walking distance of the house and just by chance on our bike ride yesterday we rode by and saw the giant sign that read "1/2 off Tuesdays". Everything was 1/2 off and they had matinee prices the entire day. So we came back today and enjoyed the movie Despicable Me.. I'm not one to write a review on a movie and all I remember was that it was cute. That's probably all I can recall about the movie except for those mighty bean shaped yellow worker guys in the movie that did not speak English and they made me laugh a lot with their reactions.

Anyway... back to the venture home with giggles.

There laying in the middle of the empty parking lot was a lone marshmallow.  One of the kids walks over and picks it up. 

"EW" were my first words. "Put that down, we don't know where that has been." She throws it back to the ground and we leave it there. Aaron happens to bust out laughing, spews melting Icee out of his mouth.

"It's still a little bit soft," she says as she thumps it to the ground. It bounces as only a marshmallow can bounce.

"What's so funny Aaron?"

"Why is there a marshmallow in the middle of the road?" He asks back as he wipes red spit from his chin.

"I'm not really sure son." I can't help but smile at the odd scene.

He starts singing the song. On Top of Spaghetti--- All covered with cheese. I lost my poor marshmallow when somebody sneezed!

We all laugh and sing along with him. Then we joke about how it may have ended up there. Somebody had a marshmallow throwing contest. It fell out of a bag as somebody had a campfire and a bird grabbed it and picked it up and dropped it many blocks away. Aubrey's version was that somebody threw it out their car window. Oh the stories we could continue with this one small thing we found today and it has caused many tears of laughter.

Where do you think the marshmallow came from?

Why was there a marshmallow in the middle of the road? The world may never know.

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